Understanding SVM (and associated kernel machines) through the development of a Matlab toolbox
The Objective of this course is to provide an overview of all these issues related with kernels machines. To do so, we will introduce kernel machines and associated mathematical foundations through practical implementation. All lectures will be devoted to the writing of some Matlab functions that, putting all together, will provide a toolbox for learning with kernels.
Fichier principal
Lecture8_Multi_Class_SVM.pdf (579.09 Ko)
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Lecture10_Outilier_L0_SVDD.pdf (129.89 Ko)
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Lecture1_Linear_SVM_Primal.pdf (393.06 Ko)
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Lecture2_Linear_SVM_Dual.pdf (559.53 Ko)
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Lecture3_Linear_SVM_with_Slack.pdf (835.12 Ko)
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Lecture4_Kenrels_Functions_RKHS.pdf (526.53 Ko)
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Lecture5_Kernel_SVM.pdf (1.03 Mo)
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Lecture6_SVDD.pdf (1.33 Mo)
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Lecture7_Cross_Validation.pdf (472.28 Ko)
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Lecture9_Multi_Kernel_SVM.pdf (468.35 Ko)
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