The aim of this lecture is to stress the analogy between strongly interacting many-body systems and elementary particle physics in the context of Quantum Field Theory (QFT). The common denominator between these two branches of theoretical physics is the Green’s function or propagator, which is the key for solving specific problems.
Here we are concentrating on the vacuum, its excitations and its interaction with electron and photon fields.
In a first introductory part we recall the basic facts of second quantization of the Klein- Gordon and the Dirac field and discuss the resulting consequences. Then we define propagators for the Dirac and photon fields and use them to treat interactions of these fields with the vacuum. More specifically we study electron and photon self energies.
Moreover we consider electron-electron scattering because of its connection with vacuum polarization. This latter very significant problem is treated by means of the Pauli-Villars regularization method.
Note finally that we rely mainly on the book of M.E.Peskin and D.V.Schroeder [3] as far as basic concepts and notations are concerned.
Physics [physics]